Alberta Forsythe , 1912–1974 (aged 62 years)
- Name
- Alberta /Forsythe/
- Given names
- Alberta
- Surname
- Forsythe
"Alberta died of breast cancer" - Helen Ivey 2/3/2005 |
"My half-sister Alberta and Margaret Wilson (Harry Sr.'s first wife) worked together at Quaker Maid in Terre Haute. That is how Harry (Boots) met Margaret. The girls were also roommates." - Helen Ivey 2/2005 |
According to 1 of 2 obituaries for Wade, Alberta's married name is Styler. I don't know if this is an error or Stryker is an error or if she was married to two different people with similar names. - Rick Forsythe 12/2005 |
Birth |
Source: Scan supplied by Bernice Herndon
Media object
Alberta Forsythe (age 10) |
Media object
Eloise, Bernice, Wade Jr., Alberta, Elsie & Harry (1922 in front of Orphanage) |